La Illah Ila Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah

This life is not easy. But it is not supposed to be easy. This world is a test. A hard test. Full with heartbreaks and evil. You lose friends, you gain friends. You love with all your heart and then it falls into pieces. But it was all planned. Your struggles was planned for you. So you can not give up. If you give up, the evil wins. If you keep on trying, keep on living inshallah you will get your reward after this earth.


This world is not what is seems like. Everything you see does exist but that does not mean that what you cant see doesnt exist. If you belive that then you only have one eye open and the other is closed.
Open both! Believe in things in the unseen. Dare to belive that this world isnt just here of an accident. How could that be? That we humans are so intelligent, the trees so beautifull and the water so perfectly blue. Can that be an accident? No, Someone must have created it this way.


I can now say that I am a proud muslim. I belive in Allah (swt) and in prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and Jesus, Moses, all of the prophets Allah has sent to earth. I belive in the unseen, in jin and angels. I belive in the Holy Writings. And I am going to do everything that i can to change my way of living.


May Allah be pleased with me.



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