Eskilstuna .. !

Hola. I have to wright in i english becouse theres something wrong with my keyboard. But yeah... yesterday did i go to Eskilstuna, and i had a great time. I met my babyboy, i had missed him so much. It realy hurts in my chest when im away from him.
Me, Kheris, Puoya and another guy walked around in the city, and just had fun. I want to live there... its a great city, or better then Nykoping anyway..
But my plans of studying and to go high school there is destroyed.. mumy dont think its a good ideah. And i guess i'll have to accsept that.

But im going back there sometime soon, as soon as a opportunity shows up...

I just want to say that, Kheris, i already miss you, and i love you...



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