New year comming soon!

In a couple of days this year is over.
I will never forget 2011.
The best, and the worst year of my life.
Unknown became friends, friends became unknown. Tryed many stuff, crazy stuff. Ill never forget those days we lay completly dead on the ground...

I also experienced love and lose. Many tears and many smiles...

You might call this a year controlled by Pms... yeah... the Pms-year.

But i've learned a lot from it. What im taking in my mind to the years ahead is to, dont get involved with a guy to fast, dont trust people to easy, live life without hurting anyone but myself... yeah, i guess thats everything...

but yeah my newyear promises:

-Fix school, no IG, and get every grades higher...
-Find a good guy... (Cant handle being single)
-... stop beting nails.. hehe
-Just have fun, do what i want :)

but CIAO! (ps hope you can read my english hehe)

Postat av: Anonym

fucked up english bro

2011-12-25 @ 15:55:04

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